Saturday, January 16, 2010

Perfect Chic #53, Wixxy Franken

Howdy y'all!
I thought I'd post some off-the-cuff pics of one of the beautiful polishes Inbal sent me for Xmas.
#53 is the perfect glossy baby blue. Even my Nanna, who said in her day there were only two types of polish acceptable - red or nude - loves this.
(Sorry bout the cuticles - my hands are going through the "peeling off all the damaged skin" stage of recovery after the allergic reaction over Xmas)

Ha! I just realised you can see the tiny spot of hair dye that made it onto my pinkie nail :P

This is 3 coats plus a layer of Poshe. Application is really good, but you'll definitely need the 3 coats to get bottle colour.

These pics are from the third day I've worn it - some minimal tip creep but otherwise very nice staying power, too :D
Thanks Inbal!

Now, all attempts to photograph one of the frankens Wixbetty sent me so far have failed. They look fine when I take the pics, then when I get them on the computer they're all out of focus! Very frustrating. So this is the only pic I've been able to salvage so far, done pre-cleanup so please excuse the messy application...

My hands still looks like lobsters from the allergy! But nothing was going to stop me wearing this baby! EDIT* I should point out that the allergy was from a BYS polish I wore over Xmas, not the franken!*

I put on one layer of Color Club's Sexy Siren as a base, then 3 coats of "Happy Birfday" (as Wixxy calls it) over the top. It's cr-azay! Hopefully I'll have better luck with it's sister polish next...

I'm getting towards the end of my holiday. Starting to feel sad and apprehensive about going back to work again :( I really have to look for another casual/part time job when I get back. Doing what, I don't know.

Mum and Dad have me going through all the stuff I left behind to see what I want either chucked out, given to charity or sent on to Melbourne. Again it's quite sad, but hey - I'm a grown up now. I'm sending quite alot of stuff back home, but I have no idea where I'm going to put it all. As a little girl I thought when I grew up I'd go live in a warehouse like Jennifer Beals in "Flashdance" or Janet Jackson. If I lived in a warehouse I wouldn't have this problem!

The Pleasure Principle By Janet Jackson

Miss Carmelita | MySpace Video

Of course, the heating and cooling bills may be rather excessive in a place like that :D But look at all the room you have to DANCE!

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