Sunday, December 20, 2009


No MWCILTRMND post today - sorry! I'm just too mired down in preparations for going away. That and I don't really have anyone worthy of the dubious honour right now :)

So anyhoo - I thought I'd better let everyone know what's going on and give you an update on a few things.

1. I know I promised a new chapter of "Phalanges of Terror" a long time ago, but it just hasn't happened. I actually wrote 3/4's of the next chapter
twice and erased it twice - it was just crap. Then the descent into silly season started, and it's just a bit beyond me right now. Hopefully while I'm on holidays I'll have some time to re-boot and get back on track.

2. Those glitters I showed you a couple of weeks back? Meh. Not so good. Turns out all the iridescent ones (which was most of them) don't like being immersed in polish. Even though they were billed as "nail glitter", if you put them in a bottle for a couple of hours, the colour bleeds out of them :( They're OK if you put them straight onto the nail, but it's very fiddly and not what I wanted them for. The other metallic glitter left is not as inspiring, so I have left off frankening with them till I get back from holidays next year.

3. Which brings me to holidays! I'm hopping on a plane back home to Perth on Wednesday. For those of you who don't know where Perth is - it's clear across the country, 2720 km or 1690 miles away -

I have a whole month off so I'll be spending Christmas, New Year and my birthday over there. I haven't had a break or seen any of my family in a year, so I fully expect to fall into a mini-coma once I get there. Puntcuated only by Nanna force-feeding me sausages from the BBQ and Mum setting me up with an I.V. of Baileys.

The day after I arrive we're all headed down south for Xmas to the town of Busselton where my Aunt and Uncle have a house on the beach. I'll probably get horribly sunburned, bitten my mozzies and have sand in various crevices. It'll be a riot.

Apparently my mobile broadband coverage does not include Busselton and I'm not sure if my Uncle has net access, so I'm really not sure whether I'll be able to blog or twitter for a week. If I disappear for awhile, you know why! Once we get back home for New Years it should be business as usual.

I'll probably post some more nail stuff tomorrow, and after that things may be a little sketchy.

In the meantime, though - this may be the easiest Xmas mani ever! BB Couture's Fairy Blood and Frosty Meadow skittled...

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