So the drama with my pic used on (Aussie) ebay continues! I got an obnoxious email from the seller this morning telling me that I shouldn't put my pics on Google if I don't want people to use them! Can you believe that? Someone failed at the intarwebs...
They took the pic down anyway and put a completely different looking polish up in it's place without changing the description! It looks nothing like my pic - I actually did them a favour! I can imagine the bad customer feedback if they'd bought the polish on the strength of my pic, only find out it looks nothing like that.
I really, really, really want to send them back a note replying to the utter idiocy, but it would just end up in a slanging match and I don't need that.
So anyway, don't buy blue Chi Chi polish on ebay - the seller's an ass-canoe.
Sigh. Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean....
From now on - no warnings. I'm just reporting anyone stealing my pics straight to ebay. Rip their auction right off the 'bay. See how they like them apples...
Anyway, this is Nubar Petunia Sparkles - a lovely, lovely pink glitter that applies like a bitch. An ebay bitch...
So there you go. Bitches.
I'm gonna go eat a kitten or something.
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