Saturday, May 7, 2011

Remedies to Stop Nail Biting

Are you one of those desperate souls eager to get rid of the nail biting habit forever? Nail biting (medically known as onychophagia) enters our lives silently and refuses to leave easily. You may have tried quitting it with the power of your will, but I know this in most cases is not enough.
Some might get used to this unhealthy habit during childhood. The fact that it might still go on all throughout the life cycle means that getting rid of nail biting is not as easy as some might think. Indeed specialists claim that the triggering causes of this ritual are so numerous that everyone could get used to it. Stress, the lack of patience as well as other psychological reasons and illnesses are responsible for the formation of a similar fixation. Those who struggle with various affections and infections as well as pain will find it useful to skim through the top remedies to stop nail biting. Use your power as well as ambition to say goodbye to this damaging habit and apply the following tricks to ease your task.
In order to fight the temptation of biting your nail you must be always aware of the factor that trigger this ritual. Therefore in order to have success it is often necessary to make some apparently silly deeds.

  1. Healthy Nails
  2. Long Lasting Manicure Tips
  3. How to Get Perfect Nail Designs
This time it is wise to have a chewy toy you should keep at hand in order to use it in emergency cases. It might seem embarrassing to appeal to it at the office still your home is the perfect place to practice this trick. You'll notice that after a few days or weeks your nails will recover from the repeated trauma you caused them.

Another popular remedy to cure nail biting especially in the case of women is the application of acrylic nails. Thanks to the strong texture and positioning of these accessories you won't be in the mood to bite your nails.
After a few crave crises you'll get used to your spotless manicure. If you choose this method make sure you define the desired texture and length of your gel or acrylic nails in order to make them comfortable and practical. With time you'll get used to forgetting about this habit.
The specialized stored and clinics will also furnish you with additional means to get rid of this habit. Various formulas are offered in order to be applied to the surface of the "nails" adding them a bad taste which would keep you away from biting them. You might do this ritual unconsciously however after a few unfortunate occasions you'll be aware of the unpleasant experience nail biting offers you.
You have learned about how to break a habit "nail biting", and how to use a very mild punisher to help a person change something he wants to change. If the person doesn't want to change, this method won't work.

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