Sunday, January 16, 2011

Please, let me know what u guys think?

Today i been enjoying made some updates of my blog's design till i decided to check my gmail and one email from Linda ( caught my interest. I dont know her but she told me that my own posts  here and her posts from her own blog appear on Do anyone know about this blog? This blog is definitely copied my posts and definitely same! It seems like every posts i made here, will be copied automatically to their blog. I really have no idea how could this happen? Do anyone know anything about this blog ( and could tell me why my posts definitely appear on there?

These are proofs that they appearing my own posts :

The first picture is the post with title "Back to Nail" that i wrote on November and it appear on that blog (
The second picture is the post with title 50% of Flower that i wrote on December and it appear on there as well. And any other my posts appear on there. I really dont know how could this happen and im bit dissapointed they did this to me. I know i dont write any policy yet of "onmynail" blog because i still cant write right well english for it but i think none would like if someone definitely post something real same from somewhere's blog without asking permission at all.

Well, i thank to Linda for informed me this and i might never know if she didnt email me.

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